Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Tech Services Volunteer Opportunity

Lake Shrine Golden Lotus Archway

Zoom meeting host

The Temple live streams weekly Zoom services from a small studio on-site. There is a team that serves from home to assist in supporting this live stream. Team members rotate the hosting role monitors participant arrival, manages the waiting room, admits participants and late-comers then observes the event to assist through closing.

Audio/Visual (AV) Operator

Our Audio-Video team serves in three specific roles: 1. Operator for sound and camera during regular services. Description: This role serves on Sundays and scheduled events throughout the year. The operator is responsible for microphones and remote viewing of services to auxilary room locations. We operate for Sunday services, evening Commemorative Services, Saturday retreats, meditations and various special events, so we need to have a full team! We can be flexible to fit the time you have to give. 2. Operator for video recording Description: Lake Shrine video records Sunday services via a recording studio in the basement beneath the sanctuary. Operators work remotely with camera views and monitor screens for image quality. Finished video files are exported for editing and posting on SRF Youtube channel. 3. Audio/Visual (AV) Systems Technical Group (projects) Description: We have a somewhat complex set of audio and video equipment at both Temple and Lake Levels. You can help to maintain existing and work on projects to make improvements.

Sign – up Genius Administrator

Administrate Sign-up Genius account for Lake Shrine, design and launch individual event sign-up pages on request, monitor event sign-up activity and solve problems as needed. Also manage mailing database for the Lake Shrine community.

This day shall be the best day of my life. Today I will start with a new determination to dedicate my devotion forever at the feet of Omnipresence.