Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Sign – up Genius Administrator

Team Lead:

See Details


Administrate Sign-up Genius account for Lake Shrine, design and launch individual event sign-up pages on request, monitor event sign-up activity and solve problems as needed. Also manage mailing database for the Lake Shrine community.


Appropriate tech skills for online operations, some natural graphic arts ability, good online problem solving skills. Confidentiality pledge is required for managing contact lists.


Basic orientation video available. Review of past sign-ups, self-training to familiarize with the Sign-up Genius platform.


Remote service role; flex-time with consideration for meeting the needs for individual events and working with event coordinators to fulfill advance sign-up requirements. Average sign-up activity will be approximately 1-2 events per month.

Volunteer for this position:

Please email to apply for this position.

This day shall be the best day of my life. Today I will start with a new determination to dedicate my devotion forever at the feet of Omnipresence.