Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Graphic Arts Design

Lake Shrine Golden Lotus Archway

Team Lead:

See Details

Number of Volunteers Needed:



Lake Shrine utilizes various forms of media to communicate with the congregation and general public. Media is generated in digital form and is produced with graphic art presentation for Temple displays, flyers, webpages, newsletters and official email communication. This role involves serving Temple events and activities by formatting Information and communication in support of Temple activities.


Digital graphic arts experience, either professional or volunteer arts for public sharing.


Experience is required; no graphic arts training offered. Some self-education on the nature of Temple media communications will be necessary.


This volunteer role can serve primarily at home using their own personal equipment and preferred programs. Time commitment is on a project basis and is negotiable.

Volunteer for this position:

Please email to apply for this position.

This day shall be the best day of my life. Today I will start with a new determination to dedicate my devotion forever at the feet of Omnipresence.