Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Family Room Monitor

Team Lead:

See Details

Number of Volunteers Needed:



The Sunday Family room is for parents and infants. It is equipped with video connecting to the main sanctuary so infants and children up to 5 years old can play and interact while parents view the service. A monitor is required every Sunday to receive families, over-see the environment making sure all is safe and harmonius, then perform basic house-keeping after families leave. This volunteer role has some interaction with leaders who administrate Sunday School.


Parenting experience is helpful but not required. A kind-hearted and generous attitude toward families and an understanding of parent-child needs is necessary.


Familiarity with the room activity and getting to know the regular families who use the room.


This role is on-site and scheduled on Sunday rotation set up by the volunteer monitors.

Volunteer for this position:

Please email to apply for this position.

This day shall be the best day of my life. Today I will start with a new determination to dedicate my devotion forever at the feet of Omnipresence.