Families with Children of All Ages
Family Room Every Sunday 9:00 am and 11:00 am
Age range: Infants – 3 years old
Lake Shrine Temple offers parents a Family Room where they may enjoy the Sunday service on video while attending to infants and toddlers. Parents new to the Temple may inquire at the Sunday School Reception Table or ask assistance from one of the ushers. A volunteer is usually present to support parents and act as an activity monitor.
Sunday School
Every Sunday 11:00 am
Age range: 3 – 11 years old
New families are welcome. Check in early at the Sunday School Reception Table located in the Courtyard near the entrance to the west wing of the building. It is not necessary to register in advance.
Meditation and virtue are the cornerstones upon which the teachings of Self-Realization Fellowship are based. Children are taught to live in a happy and balanced way, by bringing God into their daily lives through inner calmness, kindness to others, and by developing a personal relationship with God in meditation.
One of Lake Shrine’s goals is to help support efforts to spiritually enrich the quality and experience of family life. Please feel free to visit the Sunday School office to get acquainted, learn about the program, and discover how you can build a spiritual environment for your child in the home.
If a child wishes to attend the adult Sunday service with an attending parent, we welcome this, provided the child is able to sit quietly through the service. Thank you for your caring attention.
Sunday School Photo Gallery