Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine


Lake Shrine offers wedding ceremonies, memorial services, and christening blessings. These ceremonies are officiated by ministers of Self-Realization Fellowship and follow a format designed by its founder, Paramahansa Yogananda, who conducted these ceremonies during his lifetime.

Please read this page carefully and then complete the ceremony request form below.  The completed form will be received by our Ceremonies Coordinator, who will review and respond directly.

Lake Shrine has an annual calendar of pre-reserved dates for conducting ceremonies.  On the request form please choose a desired month. Then, according to availability, an optimal date, time  and venue can be selected. 

On-site reception space is not available, so ceremony parties will need to make their own arrangements for a reception to be held elsewhere. 

“May we care for each other unselfishly, ever-increasingly, until our love becomes the love of God.”
~ From Holy Vows at Marriage, by Paramahansa Yogananda

Request a Ceremony

    Type of ceremony:

    [group wedding]

    Bride's Name:

    Groom's Name:


    [group christening]

    Child's Name:


    [group memorial]

    Deceased's Name:


    Your Contact Information




    Reservation Info

    Request which month you would like the ceremony to take place:

    Request which year you would like the ceremony to take place:

    Number of people expected:

    Are you students of the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons?


    This day shall be the best day of my life. Today I will start with a new determination to dedicate my devotion forever at the feet of Omnipresence.